Happy, Healthy, Fit: Easy Weight Loss Tips!

Easy Weight Loss Tips! While relationship weight gain can be avoided, it’s not always fun to keep a strict diet and work out when dating.  When H was in town I knew we wouldn’t have long together, so I took him to some of my favourite restaurants.  We went to Guilty Pleasure, Braai Republic, and enough other…

The Great Korean Gym Debate

As many of you probably remember, I’ve been working diligently to shed weight while in Korea.  I didn’t get a scale until April or May, and I figure I ballooned when I first arrived in Korea seeing as I had brought a bunch of Cadbury Creme Eggs I never ended up giving out (which I…

A real Thursday Party and Velocity Fitness Busan

Yesterday was a big day.  I arrived at 9:30 AM at work where we immediately left for a field trip to the Busan Climate Change Educational Center.  As a climate change center it of course limited the aircon and man, that was a hot day for a pencil skirt.  The kids loved the morning, and…

Working it Out Abroad

Britney said it best: “You want a hot body?…You better work, b*tch”.  I had gained about 30 stubborn pounds in Toronto over the course of my 3 years since leaving Vancouver.  I had a trainer, I would diet, but nothing seemed to work.  I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that I’m getting into those…