What are the differences among TEFL, TEYL, TESOL, TESL, CELTA, etc.? In the simplest of terms, they are different levels and methods of teaching English to non-native English speakers. TESL certifications are widely regarded as methods for teachers of non-native English speakers and immigrants to English speaking countries. TESOL and TEFL are geared more toward those who want to teach English in non-English speaking countries. Bingo! That’s me!
Category: Teaching ESL
Candidly Kate: Where to Teach in Korea
In a country the size of Indiana, you would think that the two largest cities would have similar lifestyles. After spending a year in Busan I thought I have conquered Korea enough to hit the capital. Could I have been more wrong?
The One thing you need to know before moving to Korea
*Disclaimer*: I began writing this piece a few months ago when I started to make new friends who seemed to be more my speed and with whom I could have long-lasting relationships while in Korea. After speaking to a friend who is leaving in the next couple of months, I felt like this was something that…