Why TEFL Now?

What are the differences among TEFL, TEYL, TESOL, TESL, CELTA, etc.? In the simplest of terms, they are different levels and methods of teaching English to non-native English speakers. TESL certifications are widely regarded as methods for teachers of non-native English speakers and immigrants to English speaking countries. TESOL and TEFL are geared more toward those who want to teach English in non-English speaking countries. Bingo! That’s me!

Candidly Kate: Where to Teach in Korea

In a country the size of Indiana, you would think that the two largest cities would have similar lifestyles. After spending a year in Busan I thought I have conquered Korea enough to hit the capital. Could I have been more wrong?

Reasons I think you should move to Korea

…you know, if you feel like it and stuff. There are tons of these posts out in the bloggerverse, but I wanted to include my own take.  Of course you’ll see blogs talking about the internet here (there’s wifi everywhere – even the subway!), the service here (it’s easy to get your server’s attention and…