There is officially less than a month until I leave Toronto to go stay with my parents in Port Hope in the days leading up to my departure. Ladies and Gentlemen, yesterday I received a lovely little email reminding me that Moksha Yoga missed me (because I haven’t practiced since March of 2014). I had received correspondence like this before, but only now was it offering me $100 off a month-long unlimited membership. I found it coincidental to receive this email the morning of the 20th – exactly 1 month before I peace outta T.
I had been considering heading back to hot yoga a couple of months ago, but it’s really expensive. I’m not talking like pricy but you’ll stretch the budget, Yoga studios in Toronto’s downtown core will run you over $2,000 a year if you want to practice at your leisure. That’s my gym membership plus training, plus towel service, and I just couldn’t afford it. When this opportunity floated into my inbox I jumped at the chance to stretch and sweat it out.
Saturday after hanging out with my parents (and after spending way too much money on shoes and gifts for the Directors at my new school) I headed over to the gym and spent 2 hours doing some cardio and a lot of weights. By Monday morning my quads and hamstrings were still sore enough that walking up stairs and sitting down hurt, but Mark Sparks and I had made plans to work together both Monday and Tuesday – and work we sure did! I love how he’s really beginning to switch up my work outs and mentally and physically preparing me for working on my own in South Korea. It’s likely I won’t be able to get a gym membership until my Alien Registration Card comes through. I won’t even have internet or a phone until that’s approved, so I’ll really be focusing on repeating movement from memory ad ensuring time management in all aspects of my new life and in my workouts in a new environment.
After 3 kick-ass workouts in 4 days I was pretty tired, but my friend Jocelyne and I decided to head over to the movies to see Taken 3. Jocelyne’s the type of friend who is always ready for the next adventure and doesn’t really say no to activities. I know that when an event pops up she’ll usually trek out if she’s available and we’ll have a blast. I will definitely miss her, and hope that the next time she heads back to Malaysia we can link up!
It was a late movie and by the last 20 minutes of action-packed fun my eyes started to droop and using my gym bag as a pillow I passed right out and woke up just in time to see the credits rolling. This did not bode well for the 6:15 AM practice for which I had registered online.
At 5:50 AM when my alarm went off I thought something was wrong. When I realised it was my alarm, I thought it was a joke. My condo was pitch black with the beams from the CN Tower’s light show my only indication as to where I was and what was going on. I remembered that I had, indeed, signed up for an early morning class, and peeled myself out of bed ecstatic that I had left my gym clothes, mat, and mat towel by the door ready to get up and go.