So it’s official: I’m moving to Gwacheon (near Seoul) South Korea. When I started writing this piece I wasn’t sure whether it would be February, March, or April. It’s now definite that I’ll be flying from Toronto to New York to Seoul February 25th. The “kind of” part? I still haven’t received my Work Visa just yet.
I’m incredibly excited to start a new adventure and am fortunate to have already made an e-friend who teaches at the school at which I’ve been hired. We’ve been talking through Facebook and it looks like the teachers head out for lots of great meals, late nights out singing Karaoke (Norebang), and teach tons of cute kids English tunes and phrases.
In the meantime, I’m packing up my apartment. It’s a lot of stress trying to pack everything into 2 suitcases (yes, just 2. I don’t want to bring too much). It’ll be tough getting rid of the items with sentimental value like my jewelry box from my parents (it’s simply too big to bring), and it’ll be tough getting rid of larger items like my bed, love-seat, and bureau. I’ve started to learn Korean and can slowly read Hangul – this will definitely be a hurdle to meeting locals in Seoul. I’m also trying to shed some lbs. before boarding the plane – my understanding is that normal is overweight, overweight is obese, and obese is unacceptable in South Korea, so that whole eating thing I really need to get under wraps.
I’d been considering moving abroad since winter of 2012. Toronto, although it’s my birthplace and will always be my home, has been a challenge. I’ve made some incredible friends and have had the wool pulled over my eyes more times than I can describe. I encourage the great friends I’ve made to come visit me in South Korea. I kind of feel like I’m running away to join the circus (someplace completely unknown and fantastic!). I’m just packing my bags and am looking for adventure. Aren’t you excited to follow me from the comfort of your computer?